Turning Tides Camp
Turning Tides Camp aims to bring together young people (between 13-17 years old) and their parents/guardians/carers to share their experiences and build connection, respect and understanding. Reach facilitators will create safe and brave spaces to practice empathy for both the young people and their parent/guardian/carer in order for them to get to know each other as people, outside of their role as parent/guardian/carer or child. Please note that this camp is not only for parents of a young person, but also for anyone that has a caring role in their lives.
As with all Reach programs, Turning Tides Camp has a carefully considered purpose and objectives. It is designed to meet the following outcomes for both young people and their parents/carers:
– Enhance personal self-awareness, self-efficacy and confidence.
– Develop a heightened appreciation and acceptance of difference.
– Develop or increase awareness of their impact and influence on others.
– Establish meaningful connections, awareness, and respect between young people and their parents/carers.
Meeting at The Reach Foundation offices (152-156 Wellington Street, Collingwood VIC 3066) at 5pm on 21 June. Coming back to the offices on Sunday 23 June at 4pm.
To book or find more information head to our eventbrite: