Our Strategic Plan for 2020

In 2017 we launched a three-year strategic plan to help us bring our vision of generations of confident, self-aware and passionate young people shaping the world to life.

We set some bold goals focusing on the future.

As we launch into the final year of this strategic plan, we’re pivoting slightly to respond to internal and external realities. We appreciate that the world we live in today is dynamic and constantly changing, and so, like all organisations, Reach needs to be agile and move swiftly to ensure we remain relevant and capable of delivering on our purpose. 

Some of the influences that have inspired a pivot in direction: 

  • The importance of collaborating with other organisations 
    When Reach was founded in 1994, there weren’t many organisations who delivered youth-led workshops to other young people. Today, the sector has many other players – all of which are doing extraordinary work to support young people. Here also lies an opportunity for us to work alongside other organisations so we leverage our efforts to have a greater impact. 
  • Further our understanding of what being youth-led means and how we always be relevant to young people 
    Reach has always been about young people inspiring young people, and this will be core to Reach’s model well into the future. We also appreciate that early adolescence is increasingly complex, and the transition for a young person into adulthood is longer than what it was when Reach first started. Therefore, it is imperative we are more deliberate in ensuring all our programs reflect the needs and diversity that exists in the communities we work in.
  • Organisational sustainability 
    As we approach the end of 2019, we are forecasted to deliver another year in deficit. As an organisation we have done a lot of work on streamlining the way we operate and will look to invest in technology to further drive efficiency.   

Our updated strategic plan has been put in place to ensure we are continually improving, doing what we say we are going to do and to set us up for our future. We will engage in community consultation in 2020 as we create our next strategic plan and look forward to your input! 

You can read up on all the details here: 2020 Strategic Plan