Ignite Collingwood Feedback!
The parents of a few of our recent Ignite participants have kindly sent us feedback to share! Ignite is a 2-day program for young people between the ages of 13 and 17. Focused on participants challenging themselves and each other, connecting with other young people from all walks of life, and growing their self-awareness and resilience
“Firstly, he had a great time at Ignite and was a bit emotional that it had finished up. He is so engaged, and he has this new sense of calm. It’s so nice to see. … Please thank the facilitators and crew. You all do something so special. You have no idea how much he has needed this.”
“As soon as he walked out of Reach HQ after his first session, I could see the relief on his face. He had been waiting so long to feel heard and understood by people his age. Something that no matter how hard I tried as a Mum to do, I couldn’t fill that role for him. He gave me a huge hug and had a smile from ear to ear. His shoulders were back and he looked relaxed. We chatted about the session afterwards, the way he explained his personal experience was genuine. This young man of mine was happy to have the experience, (He suddenly grew up, was almost wearing his maturity in the way he was carrying himself) I was hopeful when sending him that this would be the case, but to see it in his eyes was so great. Words he described was Authentic, unique, accepted. He felt hopeful to be a apart of something away from the stress of school and being an only child that was finding it hard to make friends. I can say, I feel that in two 4 hour sessions something has changed inside his heart and mind. It’s pretty special. He now can’t get enough and can not wait to be involved further with Reach programs. Thank you from both of us.”
Thank you to all who participate in our workshops, this feedback means the world to us! We are so proud of our crew for continuously, and passionately providing support to our participants.