From the crew: Bloss

I think this might be one of my favourite moments captured ever – we were standing in a room full of young people writing letters to themselves about what they want for their lives and their reflections on the people they are and I couldn’t stop crying because of how proud I was of them and how proud I was of myself.

That weekend was one of the largest full circles for me – 11 years ago I went there for a camp not knowing what I was walking into and with no clue of who I was or what I wanted for my life. I returned to run a camp for a bunch of beautiful ratbags as a person who loves themselves a whole lot and was able to give as much as I had so they could start to see all the power and potential in themselves.

Biggest shout out to my dream team Reece, Oli and Telaine who made me feel safe, seen and okay to take up space unapologetically and cry through the whole damn thing.

It was a privilege and an honour to see each of these young people grapple with where they’ve come from and where they want to be, and god damn what a wonderful way to end my year!!!!